paul wheaton wrote:I just found out that i will be told about taxes and shipping for the server after it is purchased ...
PS: - When I signed up, I was asked what organisation I belonged to so I wrote "The Source" and this was accepted!Jim Webb wrote:The next part is due out on Thursday, May 2nd, so there is still time to sign up for this
Melissa Ferrin wrote:Best of luck on your adventure Jim. Feel free to keep in touch.
Melissa Ferrin wrote:Hi I live and work in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca and I've found it's a much better approach in villages to work with the current/original residents. Most of them do really value nature and while some of their current practices may not be in line with what you are dreaming about--most actually now recognize that in many ways, their bisabuelos lived better lives and are excited to learn how to get back to their roots and be self-sustaining.
This is not to say that outsiders can not come in too--though it is extremely difficult for outsiders to legally buy rural land in much of Oaxaca because it's communal, and it can also be difficult for outsiders to accept the usos y costumbres community assembly style of governance.
Looks scrumptious!! I do like the idea of those little buns. Are they baked in muffin tins? What are the others & do you have any recipes to share? Must be a bread making forum here somewhere!MiaSherwood Landau wrote:Fresh bread Fridays! Make enough to last a week or eat some freeze some. Or put some in dehydrator to make croutons. All good!