Thanks so much for posting this thread. I had high hopes on another site, but where are the traders? So add my name -- I would also be interested in trading seeds (or more) through the mail. I was inspired by others selections, and so here are my lists.
'especially have'
comfrey seedlings and rootlets
purslane / verdolaga (if I can learn to save the seed)
tamarack pinecones
runnering strawberry crowns
hawthorn seeds, cuttings, or seedlings
artemisia variety seeds
calendula variety seeds
lavender variety seeds
angelica seeds
lovage seeds
savory seeds
marjoram seeds
marsh milkweed
red malabar spinach
'linum perenne lewisii', perennial blue flax
mountain mint seeds\
scarlet runner beans
'especially wanted'
early hot jalapeno pepper
wild leek bulbs
pawpaw seeds
apios americana / groundnut tubers
quamash bulbs
sea kale seeds
'secale montana' perennial mountain rye
opuntia ficus-indica, spineless
dragonfruit cuttings or seeds
'lupinus mutabilis' / tarwi (Andean edible lupine)
oca bulbs
apple mint cuttings
pineapple sage seeds
orange-scented thyme seeds
lemon thyme seeds
named apple cuttings
named pear cuttings
scented geranium / pelargonium cuttings
schisandra chinensis / chinese magnolia vine -- anything
smilax regelii / Jamaican sarsaparilla -- anything
unusual solanums (aviculare, aculeatissimum, capsicoides, laciniatum)
to read the full lists of my 'haves' and 'wants', click here: