Shookeli Riggs wrote:I havent grown scallions from seed just from bulbs.Do they reach full size in the first year when grown from seed?
Yes, you will get to start picking a few scallions, I think by July. And they will all be good by the end of the year.
they need weeded a couple times. Once when they are young because they are so small,
then weeded and mulched once more when the weeds start to come up again.
So you have been planting one scallion bulb and having it turn into a bunch?
I've been doing the same with seeds that I started in february,.. but wished I'd have started them in January.
Last year I even had some scallions flower so they might be able to produce viable seeds. I'll find out soon.
I have started onions from seed that were planted in Jan they got going but I don't have much luck/skill at growing nice big onions.