Michele Sundholm

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since May 21, 2019
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Recent posts by Michele Sundholm

I would really, really love to know how to make my sourdough more sour. Please and thank you 😊
17 hours ago
Wondering who here has a freeze dryer.  We purchased one from Harvest Right last year.  Love it!  Such a good way to long term store garden produce, leftovers and travel/camping meals.  We have done so many things from meat to candy and everything in-between .  Candy is a fun sidebar.  I love knowing that we have a stash for when SHTF.  Anyone else here have a freeze dryer?  I wasn't sure how to search it so apologies for any duplication.

2 years ago
If spent coffee grounds have such a high nitrogen content, would it be a good thing to use on my lawn? We have places were Clover has taken over and I read somewhere here that clover is a sign of nitrogen deficiency??
3 years ago
I think a couple of goats would be fun
3 years ago
Wow - my head is spinning.  I have so many “wants” and no clue where to start. (Yes, I need the book 😊) We have 5 acres in rural Iowa and are surrounded by corn and bean fields. Oh and the darn air tractors will be dumping over those fields very soon 🙄. One of my goals is to keep our property as organic and natural as possible. We have a few (3) very old trees, a windbreak with pine, cedar and evergreen trees backed up with a row of some kind of berry (not edible) shrub/bushes. We also have a nice veggie garden, 40x100 ft. We have our own well and no out buildings. Would love a barn with solar but that will be a project to save up for. Looking forward to learning what, where and how to take the next steps. Thanks everyone for sharing - this is awesome!!
3 years ago
We live in rural Iowa and have crops on all sides of us. There is a waterway to our south but really not sure where it’s coming from. I thought about figuring out how to forage some of milk from it but haven’t gotten that far (nor do I know how)

Thanks so much for the reply!  

3 years ago
It's out of control!  If I start pulling it, I'll be out there until the frost comes.  Is there any remedies for prickly lettuce?  It appeared out of nowhere and now is everywhere!  Any help will be greatly appreciated!  And, if anyone wants to come harvest it, just say the word!  
3 years ago
We've been at this for 2 years.  Turned the soil and are now trying to amend it the best we can.  Love to try different veggies.  Just got done freeze drying the remainder of last year's butternut squash.  On to 2021!  Will take any and all suggestions.  Our garden gets full sun. Is as organic as we can make it.  Has a new bee house (in the foreground).  Is definitely a work in progress!  
trying to find a forum....Does anyone have any idea on how to combat road degradation?  Our county "powers that be" is threatening to "change" our road to gravel.  It is up to us (4 families) to save it.  We don't want to live in a dust bowl. We have approximately 4500 feet that we are desperately trying to save.  The photo is an example of what is happening.  Last year (late summer) we had it oil coated and obviously had very little success.  There is very little depth to most of these holes and it is hard to figure out how to patch it.   Thoughts, ideas, experience, grants are all appreciated. Please and thank you!
3 years ago
Very cool!  May I print it?
3 years ago