Carmelo Panucci

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since Jan 28, 2021
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Recent posts by Carmelo Panucci

Up here there is a road kill list people can sign up for. When a moose is struck on the highway someone is called on the list to go to the scene and salvage the meat.
3 months ago
An Indian saying goes "A hoof print in the dirt is a blessing to the soil."  Within reason, I believe all of the amending we do to enrich our soil is solely because of the absence of ruminants grazing on it.
3 months ago
The cracks in those heirloom tomatoes make them look even more delicious.  Enjoy the bounty you grew!
3 months ago
It's a good thing for our young people to reach for the limits of what's possible as is our elder folk to ground us in what's sensible from their experience.

Let's eat the money.
4 months ago
1 cubic foot of wet snow can be 100lbs.
4 months ago
To elaborate. We do like to judge events as good or bad. That can be limiting.  It takes a lot practice to marginally improve that strong instinct. " That apple fel on my head. Ouch!" That is pretty easy to interpret as bad. But if we take a step back and try to open ourselves through time to what possibilities that a negative event offers and how it might apply to the other things going on in our lives, persuading us to action in this way or that, we may later come to see that "Ouch!" as a good thing and very fortuitous. Doesn't that make sense? The apples are ripe for cider.
5 months ago
This is an easy one : Have a good attitude and expect good things to happen. Keeping our eyes open works for both the quantum and Newtonian governing laws.
5 months ago
Very cool M.K.  Interesting to know that they can be dehydrated. That never occurred to me. I enjoy them very much and eat them most days when they are around. I get a real charge when I find them. Thank you for sharing that morsel of fungi knowledge and history .Good hunting to you!
5 months ago