Forgiving can be for you,
For giving yourself care.....
For giving yourself space and time to heal....
For giving compassion to how you are feeling.....
For giving yourself deep listening.....
Forgiving yourself the power to explore your emotions....
And forgiving yourself worth by understanding boundaries and opportunities that have been created from your beautiful amazing evolutionary growth.....
Smile.. because you are special, unique ...always learning ....always expanding.
Finding the root of a real function.
It is the solution that is referred to as real roots.
if all agents have the same utility function S, we get
δS = -i hbar (δ + δ_adjoint), which is the quantum mechanical equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equation
L is motivated.....L is Love
Kenetic and Potential
This is branching off from your focus...but I do see a Designer's Guide By Bill Mollison
as an audio book that looks like you can listen to for free on Bookey.