John C Daley wrote:Rob, lots of rain and yet you run a well.
Was it habit or lack of confidence with rainwater to use just rainwater?
I actively encourage use of rainwater alone since I believe its cleaner and better value than well water.
I bought this place in 1992 after getting a divorce and needing a place to at least store what I had left.
Now, I grew up on what would be called a homestead nowadays, and I never knew people didn't process their own food.
As in: at 10 years old I had to feed the horses before I could have breakfast. I had to process the meat birds every spring -completely. also the meat rabbits. it was my job to make sure we had enough kindling for the next week before I could go play on the weekends. at 12 I was handed a chainsaw and then it was also my job to put up 3 cords of firewood before I got summer break. as a kid, having the the rest of summer completely free to just go, and having as far as I could walk in the coast range available to explore, I think i was pretty spoiled.
and motivated to fill the woodshed!
and no, if I was out exploring and not home, I didn't have to feed any animals. at 11, I was gone for a couple weeks at a time, by myself, "backpacking/exploring. I have actually woken up to being surrounded by a herd of elk.
so - after the divorce in 92, I bought 10 wooded acres- already had a manufactured home, already had the well. my job had me on the road for a week or two at a time. so until I was getting close to retirement, I didn't have much time to make this what I wanted.
I have had tanks to catch rainwater for the garden - but most of the buildings had asphalt shingles and I am not about to try and poison myself when the well costs me about $1.85 a month on the electric bill. convenience, for the most part.
roofs got replaced with steel as it came about, also, the 50 acre grass seed field to the south of me is a well established Canadian goose zone during their migrations. so for a little over a week twice a year, it is a given that everything - including vertical walls and windows - will get strafed with goose poop. extremely covered.
Now that I have neighbors on the other three sides - across the road for two of those sides sides, I have a 20 mph corner and road on two sides -I no longer have the tranquil place I wanted to retire to - I have purchased 20 acres out where there is no one, in the high desert that gets about 1 foot of rain a year. 4386 feet, it shows on the gps and the county records.
I will still do as much rain catch as I can - everything will have steel roofs - but I will still have to supplement, and as I get more attached to this 20, I don't even want to leave, even to haul water.
I can haul 700 gallons at a time, so with the catch at certain times of the year, I will only have to haul once a month. Summer - keeping the garden (mostly greenhouse) as well as my needs - will be twice a month.
I have two 550 tanks I was using to catch, and transport legal I have a 325 and a 425. and before the flaming starts on vehicle capabilities, I have a one ton dually truck and a 14k 18' flatbed trailer. I could haul over 1200 gallons and not be overloaded legally. common sense tells me not to consistently load a live load to capacity.
the 1550 tanks will be for water storage, be it clean rain catch or hauled.
but if I ever find a well driller with an "on sale special" I will get a well drilled, as I don't want to beat my truck and trailer up on the incredibly rough roads hauling water for the rest of my life. directions to my 20 include "turn off the paved road 11 miles out of the unincorporated town, go down that gravel road to my un-named county dirt road and go 1/2 mile on the barely wide enough for a pickup road. I was out there last week and it is frozen hard - and the dirt road is fill of puddles (currently frozen - 1 degree F when I arrived) - only one of the puddles of ice broke for that half a mile - so it was mini ice road truckin'. LOL
short answer, I was never home long enough to do the current place any justice, and with the very restrictive county I am currently in - one MUST mow grass/vegetation over 6" tall, or they will come in with their machines and destroy it all, and then bill you for three people and two machines at an extremely high rate. so instead of trying to fight it all, I am escaping.
I hope the long version doesn't make you sorry you asked!