Korean Natural Farming is the technique of capturing and multiplying IMO (indigenous micro organisms). I've made this Jadam 3x now and experienced great results, flourishing beyond expectations.
This is simplest way to start the KNF technique. All you need is 5 gallon bucket, 4 gallons of water 15 grams of sea salt, 3 cooked potatoes and 2 handfuls of leaf moldy soil and 36 hours of brewing. But you must apply this "fertilizer" speedily, it doesn't last long just in the bucket. If you make the KNF IMO that can be stored for many months and awakened before applying. KNF says "Study nature, copy nature". All the systems for abundance in KNF are formulated to be made and applied by the poorest farmer with the least resources, so anyone can use them. Properly applied these systems usually double output, amp up drought resistance/water retention, remove the need for other fertilizers, tilling, or pesticides. Once in place the soil will continue to improve as you have introduced a very resilient bio-diverse system which creates more abundance year after year. The full compliment of KNF recipes gives you an arsenal of boosters. They can be applied to each of the growth stages, optimizing output, and used to combat any issues which may arise. Many resources are free online, the best sources are from Master Cho the creator of this system. His English skills are some what of an impediment, so direct students of his tend to be the easiest source to study. naturalfarminghawaii.net or
https://www.biomei.solutions/ are 2 of many good sources.