I am a miller. I have been doing this for 2 years now. This is my second time milling grand fir. This is the biggest log i have cut to date. I thought some people might enjoy these photos as i cut thru the log.
I operate a Old Mobile Dimension saw, with electric start and electric endstands. This
wood is turning into interior panelling.
Here is the diameter of the log Almost 36"!
Here is the first pass( I cut 1x8s and 1x10s.)
Here is the result of the first pass (L to R 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x4, off cuts for stickering the wood at home)
Second pass (Mostly cut 1x10)
Results of second pass
Last Pass
Results of last pass
Off cuts/remaining slab for
firewood :)