Almond Thompson

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since Mar 15, 2023
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Recent posts by Almond Thompson

It's actually been quite the nightmare here, especially with the amount of witchcraft being done by these neighbors (a different story entirely though)

You can't just drop this and not tell the story!!!
4 months ago
Hey hey, I'm going to need to insulate a 14x32 shed to use as a workshop, could I cut up and use styrofoam coolers? I have an excess of them and they're thick enough. Would it sweat or anything weird? The winters here are pretty mild except for a week or two where it gets below zero, but I will need the insulation.
6 months ago
Hang out at Walmart lol
(with supervision of course!!!)
6 months ago
Oh interesting thought, Matt...I didn't consider repeat customers. I'm used to eBayers not bothering to look what store their products come from (although a few have ordered again which was super nice) I do keep all contact info though incase there is a problem...there have been a few times were I'm glad I had proof!
Joylynn, just made an account, thank you! Looks so cool!
Doug, planning on this in the future but you have to pay for a domain. Not sure if it ends up being more or less than the fees eBay takes, though.
As for Marketplace I have heard bad things about that..apparently it attracts customers that like to cause trouble
I will check out the flea market forum Anne!
Ok you guys, where do y'all sell your plant materials? Cuttings, Herbs, Seeds etc...I am on eBay but just wondering if there is another site I could try. I was going to try Etsy but it seems very saturated.
Our fairgrounds dumps all their manure into a mountain in the parking lot that anyone can shovel into all year round. The stuff is gold-my plants are growing themselves this year!
7 months ago
Just popping on to hark the herald for Spaghetti little dude I grew in September lasted all winter in my basement which is definitely not root cellar quality, just ate it last night and it was still good!!!
7 months ago
Oh leech for sure. They make me throw up but at least I'm not gonna get lyme or alpha gal or any other mystery disease
8 months ago