Ken Showalter

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since Jun 17, 2023
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And; yes 'bird flu' continues to decimate & spread.  Apparently; because corporations that are supposedly 'too big to fail', are also too big to do the right things.  Until consumers like me; make choices, that encourage backyard flocks / small-scale farmers that don't use commercially-produced feed.
2 months ago
Adding the weight, expected of load-bearing walls; would reduce the insulative ability ?
6 months ago
I’m revealing, my ignorance here; but while reading about sand & the fire retardation & advantages of adding silica, I was thinking that would dull any saw that cuts the panel to fit a corner in a dormer (Or; the end, of a wall.  Around a door / window.)  Then; I started wondering about, using these panels for structural purposes as well.  Could tongue & groove (Or; tabs like puzzle pieces.) be added; to hold the wall together (As well as; the load-bearing requirements.) without studding ?  Integrating the structural & the insulative, into the same panel; should improve the insulation value.  Would splitting the wood, into long fibres (Maybe; just shakes) while still long (Only; cut to fit the wood splitter.); improve the load-bearing capacity ?  Doing so; wouldn’t solve, my initial problem.  Maybe; I would use mycelium panels without sand / silica, in those places.  Maybe; the idea of adding structural qualities to insulation panels has been already presented, and I didn’t find it ?
6 months ago
Do demonstrations  /  have "expo days", at building supply stores.
1 year ago
iPhone 11 pro, iOS 17.03

I'm not sure; which browser, I was using.  
Because; I do alot of "multi-threaded browsing" when I'm reading on 1 site & part-way through I need to browse for a different  (but related)  
issue  (Or; something completely unrelated, will come up that shouldn't wait.),  I have multiple browsers.  I suppose, I could use the "Open Tabs" button  (Which; I do use occasionally, as well.); but I tend to think that more memory is allocated for each browsing session this way.  Most likely; as I run out of storage, I'll have to pick 1 browser & delete the rest.  Also; I like
variety, & having a number of browsers gives me choices of interface.

Browsers I have include; Brave, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
....... but I have not found the "Edit button" or the "3 dots".

I have attached, a screen-shot.
Same thing, with vehicles.  Even with record-setting "heat domes" & other weather extremes; vehicle manufacturers haven't been able to sell enough hydrogen vehicles to make their investments pay, while the biggest "gas-guzzlers" continue "selling like hotcakes".  
1 year ago
And; I see so many people that know certain foods are bad for their bodies, but "In pills & hospitals, we trust" and they continue their self-destructive lifestyles anyway.  It seems; like many people are so deadened to their own creativity by the conveniences they love & consumerism around them, that they don't care about building anything useful with their own hands.  Until; they are "down to the wire" anyway.  Seems; how I learn, too.
1 year ago