Nick Mick

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since Jul 14, 2023
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Matt McSpadden wrote:

Nick Mick wrote:Home Depot has clean metal paint cans that seal up good, I don’t know if they have larger ones in the store but might online...

Have you seen any paint cans that are food grade? If I could find food grade, they might seal up well enough.

I don’t know if they are food grade but it might say if they are online.
1 week ago
Home Depot has clean metal paint cans that seal up good, I don’t know if they have larger ones in the store but might online. Also check out flea markets and restaurant supply places, facebook marketplace mabie?
1 week ago
On work days it’s mushroom coffee, breakfast burrito made with sourdough wraps and eggs from our chickens, and a banana or apple. Everything I eat I have to eat while driving and it’s all made the night before. On non work days it’s the same coffee, fried eggs, oatmeal or sourdough bread, sometimes sausage, and banana. Once my fruit trees start producing I will have something other than bananas with it, but at least they are still the cheapest fruit per pound even the organic ones.
1 week ago
So I hear over and over that animals (goats, cows, ect) know which plants to eat when they need them. At the same time I also hear that there are some plants that need to be removed from your property so the animals don’t eat them. So what gives? Do they know what’s good for them or not?
1 week ago
Rather than spend hours stacking firewood I built a giant box out of free pallets and scrap wood. Now I just throw the wood in there loose with a tarp over it. If you kill a rat in a trap put the carcass in the hole it dug and bury it, that will keep other rats from using the tunnel for a while.
1 month ago
So I made a beeswax mixture to water proof my jacket and the recipe called for turpentine in it. I now have a jacket that reeks of turpentine and I don’t know what to do about it. The video didn’t mention anything about the smell, I thought it would dissipate but it hasn’t yet (24hrs)
1 month ago
So I’m trying to find the cheapest source for plain salt for preserving food and I came across Morton water softener. It says it only contains sodium chloride, comes in a 40lb bag for $9 bucks. There were others that contained other ingredients but this one was just salt. Thoughts?
1 month ago

Mk Neal wrote:

Nick Mick wrote:It doesn’t help that there is a problem going on with people either pretending to be disabled or they are just weak willed and have no actual disability but they believe they do. These actions make people skeptical about the ones with a real unapparent disability.

How are you able to judge whether a person’s disability is “real” or not? How do you know better than they do whether they are truly suffering or just believe that they are? For that matter, what is the difference between truly  suffering and just believing that you are suffering?

1. I am not able to judge whether a person’s disability is real or not (unless I know them/unless they have been ‘caught’ faking it). I’m merely pointing out an unfortunate fact about how some people do indeed ‘fake it’ and that makes it difficult for the people who are not faking it.
2. I do not know better than the individual(s) in question as to whether or not they are suffering, that is for them to figure out. Suffering, in general, is a temporary part of life and is necessary for growth. Unless the suffering becomes permanent then it could become a disability, but that is just an opinion.
3. The difference between truly suffering and just believing that you are suffering (from a mental health view) is the difference between reality and emotion. Emotions are just that, they have no effect to the world at large unless you let them. There is also the issue with perception. As for physical suffering one can easily be temporarily disabled from an injury that no one can see, but unless its chronic there needs to be a point where the individual needs to stop believing they are suffering and move on with their life. Same goes for mental.

I probably butchered that response, but it’s just opinion anyway.
2 months ago
There is also the ‘perpetual soup’ idea where you make a big soup and add things as it runs out. My wife is going to try it with the slow cooker today using the soup she made the day before yesterday which was delicious but didn’t have an exact recipe since it’s got so much in it.
2 months ago
You can mitigate going on vacation by using automatic door openers and feeders depending on your set up. I rigged a feeder using a battery operated door opener and hardware cloth. I basically made a cage that would lower and rise over the feeder.
2 months ago