Joe Uicker

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since Nov 23, 2023
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Recent posts by Joe Uicker

I imagine that many long-term gardeners have already improved much of the soil on their own property. It seems to me that these folks could still participate in the challenge by borrowing 200 sq feet of someone else's property. It shouldn't be too hard to find a city person with 200 sq feet of dirt and a desire to learn about growing food.
2 months ago
I would very much appreciate a pawpaw if there are any still available Molly. I live on the east side of Madison.
1 year ago
In my mind natural movement is both the goal and solution. There used to be a gym in my city called "Monkey Bars". The owner had noticed how fit children naturally are and had adults climbing and playing like kids for fitness. Myself, I chose to pursue a career working outdoors. I loved the inner peace I get participating in Creation. Not to mention feeling the health benefits. I quickly shed about 50 lbs and kept it off for the next three decades without worrying about diet. Without the extra weight my achy feet were better, making more walking a thing. I picked up a hobby foraging for mushrooms. Even more time in the sun and wind being active. As I got into my forties I was noticing aches in my joints I thought was arthritis. I have always been able to address these mainly with stretching exercises. Now at 57 my body craves that activity. However in the last year I have developed a degenerative neurological disease. I have lost considerable strength in my legs and hips, have neuropathy in my hands and legs and balance problems. But I still feel healthy without medication, I just can't do the things I love safely. I fall down a lot. I'm learning to cope. I got a cane for balance and a son does some of my work. But I insist on doing as much as I can. I slowly walk across the parking lot at the grocery store rather than use a handicap spot because I still can. This winter when I'm afraid to go outside because its icy I will be doing some exercise indoors, but the idea is to facilitate getting outdoors. Being able to step over a log again would be nice.
1 year ago
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."  Mahatma Ghandi.
" Whosoever strikes you on the cheek, turn the other cheek also." Jesus the Christ
These two heroes of mine had no trouble getting their message out. Even now if you Google Ghandi the gossip is prominent. And how often is Jesus' name used as a curse?
Maybe there are haters in the world to help us appreciate those who love us. Love you Paul.
Congratulations Abraham, its a great feeling to complete a project. I dream of a world where its recognized as a basic human right to exchange my labor with someone who wants to pay me. One is expected to pay property tax after they purchase land. In effect you rent "your" land. By analogy when labor is taxed the laborer is renting his body. Insane.
1 year ago
The 350€ per month will be worth it once you're able to make that much. I very much like being an owner not an employee. While you're taking baby steps towards being an owner perhaps you can barter your services to sidestep problems with the black market. As a business owner one can further environmental or social causes in more ways than an employee. Your business will spend money, you can choose which products or suppliers to support. You can hire good people and treat them well. You decide what methods to use. Some aren't suited to own a business I realize, but for myself it felt like I was stepping into a role as a more full member of my community. Like parenting.
1 year ago
Angel, one can use a shovel to cut a nice edge between the lawn and a flower bed. Dig out a scoop 3 or 4 inches deep all along the edge and mound that dirt in the flower bed. No need for edging at all. If the edge starts to look ragged you can repeat the procedure.
Abraham, I wonder whether you are allowed to do freelance work in addition to a job. The idea being your job pays the employment tax while you are building your business. When you have enough clientele leave the job. There is definitely a market for skilled gardeners but having support as you develop your skills and find your niche would be nice. I would and do avoid all of the chemicals. Where I live I need to be licensed to use these on a client's property and then use them according to the label. This means no vinegar for weed control. It works out, most of my competitors use the cides. I market my squeemishness with chemicals as an organic approach. I do aquire significant quantities of weeds which need disposal. You will want to have a place to compost. Or maybe rabbits. If you get certification from an educational institution it will help you approach clients who can afford more exciting projects but there is no substitute for hands on experience. Get started, you will learn as you grow.
I started in business mowing lawns. The shrubs and flower beds weren't my responsibility. I developed a niche for my mowing business by learning to take on these extras, many of my competitors don't. I learned quite a bit from aging homeowners who have hired me. I now have clients who I design, install and maintain flower beds for, as well as the mowing. I have never had a client asking me to grow veggies. I think it might be possible to find clients who will pay me to grow organic produce in their own yard rather than paying at the market. I'm sharpening my skills with veggies as I figure it out.
1 year ago
Mulberries come up as volunteers everywhere where I live. Its a matter of getting rid of the ones you don't want. I would guess that fire used to control their spread, but this area is now a city. I can tell you they are not at all picky. No need to water, mulch or fertilize. You can prune them very aggressively. I quit mowing my own lawn about 30 years ago and now have a dozen or so in the back yard with 8 inch diameter trunks. The fruits off of the same tree vary in flavor from insipid to excellent. I seek out the fruits in the direct sun for snacking, they seem to have the best flavor. Next summer my plan is to preserve mulberry juice for winter. I spread a tarp under a tree and shake the trunk and branches. I can gather a couple gallons of berries in a few minutes this way. I add a little water to the fruit and simmer it for 15 minutes or so, then strain all the debris away. I'm left with a lovely purple juice. I tried to make wine last year, but that didn't turn out.
I am curious whether rabbits can be fed leaves from mulberries when they drop in the autumn. I have noticed the leaves on the ground can be green and dry. Is this tree hay waiting to be gathered?
1 year ago
I too love having the birds of prey around. We have a coopers hawk who regularly hunts the backyard where there a lot of trees. In the front we have a red tail hawk who uses the phone pole to rest. There are two different owl hoots at night(I don't know my owls). I haven't done anything to encourage them other than sending them some positive vibrations. Please everyone avoid using poison to solve a rodent problem, I'd hate to lose any of these majestic creatures to a tainted rat snack. There are a number of dog breeds which are really good at hunting the vermin.
1 year ago