Jp crocket

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since May 30, 2024
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Recent posts by Jp crocket

Yes my dog listens and so do i

mid 40's still strong can cook, no car and limited amount of flowing cash flow. I've grown herbs and vegetables in few places. I would have to build my shelter. If brought on I will do my best. I adapt and overcome, try me on a trial basis and see. If I don't fit the bill I'll gladly depart.

Yet I'm confident i can help you with something always. Im good with animals and nature due to my passion for them.
5 months ago
To do your bidding!

Hi Permies and alike!

I'm ready to roll out!

I need to belong!

I want to be with those who can live in peace and gather positive energy for the good of humanity and our planet. I judge no one and respect all.

I want to be a part of your dream or reality.

If you need a hand with your creation here I am...reach out!

I learn fast and am not afraid to work... don't care for TV no I have a lot of spare time!

Loyal, compassionate, and resilient!

my income is limited... but i should fit the bill in all other aspects of your community, farm, or other.

I'm willing to help out in all areas I can in exchange for shelter. Heck Ill babysit your land with my little german sheperd

but really i can do almost anything...the knowledge i may need more of this world since i'm new to it, but just tell me what to do...and it should be done...

so if you need any type of help reach out!

IN the U.S.A currently... but I'll travel anywhere! to do your or the community's biding!

True believer in Jesus Christ...and a little military background...
7 months ago
I'm very interested in doing what i can to help!

Please email me at

8 months ago
mmm... plantains

You really seem to know your stuff!
I'm really interested!
My knowledge is basic but my work ethic isn't!

i sent you a pm
8 months ago