Jill Dyer

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since Aug 07, 2024
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@ Josh and John - sorry guys, I missed your question!  Usually found on top of the fridge.   Out of the bottle it interferes with my medication,
but it's fine once the alcohol has been reduced.  
If the stew requires a rib-sticker, then add dumplings - plain version of the subject of the post by Ana Chorlito - Tallow soups in "food preservation".  Just needs suet, grated, self-raising flour, salt and water.  Cooked on top of the stew.  Can also be cooked in water and then served with golden syrup or maple syrup or whatever sweet sauce takes the fancy.  https://www.easypeasyfoodie.com/traditional-british-suet-dumplings/#recipe
2 hours ago
Maybe a place that sells pottery kilns or one that sells conventional wood-burning stoves - the fire-bricks do need replacing from time to time.
They come in different sizes and thicknesses.  
3 days ago
For small projects lemon juice and salt, and a brush to apply to project (I use for slightly rusty weaving reeds).
Molasses and water - for a good soak - needs to be the molasses from the feed store rather than the grocery - maybe someone can supply a reason - must be something to do with how refined it is ?  This is better for archaeological projects - like the hammer that got lost in the garden
3 days ago
That sounds much like the recipe I found at Recipe Tin Eats for cooking roast pork with the crackliest crackling ever!  Only been wasting too many years looking . . . My go-to for cooking succulent chicken is White Cooked Chicken - a Chinese method.   Plenty of recipes on the internet.  Finished with chopped spring onions and a sauce based on sesame oil.
4 days ago
Found a couple of downy feathers this a.m. on my morning walk.  It proved very easy to pull away the down from the quill.  Might prove tedious, but could be one of those jobs to do in front of the idiot box. As long as it doesn't make you sneeze    
4 days ago
Lots of ideas for using the discard - it really irks me to throw anything away!
5 days ago
Not sure if this is helpful or not, since it refers to geese
By the looks of things it might be possible, if fiddly, to remove the down from the base of the feathers just by finger plucking, or using a sharp knife or razor.  Might be useful to have the feathers dry before trying though, so it's easier to pinch the down before cutting.
5 days ago
Mind filter active . . . I have tapestry bobbins made from olive - they are turned to make the shape though.  
Australian First Nations people made spears from the roots of (Acacia sp.?)  which were straightened over the coals of a fire.  No idea how to go about finding a tree with straight-ish roots  There is also a "Spear tree" which is Pandorea doratoxylon, which is commonly grown as a garden specimen - the straighter branches are cut to use as a spindle shafts - the spindle being rolled along the thigh - two smaller pieces are split in the middles and threaded on to be used as 'arms' for balance and for winding on the spun fibre - usually wool.  
5 days ago
Jammed my fingers in the car door not so long ago - elevation and a pack of frozen peas straight from the freezer (wrapped in a tea towel).
Comfrey ointment if it's available - but I've never been sure if it's the comfrey or the massaging in that does the trick, but great for bruises!
6 days ago