The tagline is to help express what the groups is for, what their purpose is, in a short, clear, but interesting manner. For now I'm using
"Cain Lake Resiliency - local residents creating local resources".
Today I put out a few strips of paper with that tagline with the forum and email address. This went onto a little bulletin board where people put ads up. A person can just grab a strip and take it home with them. But the tagline helps catch their interest long enough to at least look up the forum.
It may not be marketing a business, but it's still marketing.
Regarding a meeting place, my post to Robert Ray goes more in depth.
I admit that I don't know anyone around here except for about 6 houses. Of that 6, I only really get to talk with 2, and only one of those recently. I've lived here for 6 years. I'm an extrovert. People here keep to themselves, putting up walls of privacy. Needless to say, the isolation has been driving me crazy. lol
Earlier this week I talked with the one neighbor I see fairly regularly. She's all for it. She's also sending out word to the people that she knows around here. One of the women she knows, that she believes will really get into the idea, and has been around for about 20 years, is also supposedly a woman who tends to organize things and gets things done. Both of these women are very busy with other projects dealing with their children, though.
So for now, it's at the very very beginning stages.
It's going mostly by word of mouth, with the start of the 'flyer' slips mentioned above.
Earlier today I talked with one of my daughter's friends and her mother. The mother is excited by the idea, but doesn't know how to use a computer. Her daughter said she'd show her, heh.
I decided to go ahead and put out some flyer slips because I really need ideas other than my own. I need someone to bounce ideas off of, etc. My neighbor isn't the type. She's more like, "tell me what you need, and I'll put some feelers out". The other woman seems to be the type "tell me what you want done, and I'll help you get it done". And I'm more like "hey, here's an idea...anyone wanna take over from there?"
I'm told that the beginning stage is amongst the hardest.
You don't yet have access to resources that'll help out later,
and you're left doing most of the initial steps on your own.
What I had hoped for, with the whole intentional community and transition town efforts commonly mentioned in permaculture forums, was that maybe there would be something a little more helpful than "set up a meeting so the members can talk". That's what I'm trying to do now. Set up an area where people can talk.
But if I were to, at this moment, just put out a flyer calling for a meeting, it would go unnoticed, and/or ignored. The small handful who might respond would feel that it wasn't worth returning. Right now, people just aren't all that invested here, particularly with the gas prices increasing.
But if I were to start building some connections, which the forum will help provide, then I would a) have creative resources to make an interesting flyer, b) have a wider word of mouth range, and c) be in a better position to set up a community building potluck/meeting. AND...I wouldn't have to do it all by myself.
I had hoped to make use of any people in the "intentional community / city repair / ecovillage forum" who've gone through the process. Drawing from someone else's experiences helps to prevent wasting time trying to reinvent the wheel, so to say.
And, perhaps my efforts here will provide insight for someone else who may later try something similar.
Thank you, (and thanks to Robert Ray) for your suggestions for what to take into consideration.