I think that a lot of this has to do with varying levels of expectations and tolerances.
Small example:
In my home there is me, my s.o. and my teenage daughter.
None of us like doing housework nor cooking.
On cooking: My s.o. is willing to cook for me daily, and on weekends breakfast for all of us. He resists the idea of cooking dinners for my daughter. BUT, if I make the decisions on what to cook, then he'll cook dinner for us all.
My daughter will only cook if she's cooking for herself. Even then her skills are at the frozen meal + microwave level, just starting to test out using the stovetop to warm up non-frozen foods.
Me, well, I dislike cooking. If left to myself, I tend to eat some very basic foods, simple cooking, usually rather bland, and usually fairly repetitive. For example, during the day I eat frozen veggies that were warmed up over the stove, with butter, and cheese on top. Variety comes in the form of which bag of veggies, and/or which of two cheeses to use. Dinner is either veggies with yams/potatoes or ground meat with packet seasoning.
This kind of eating doesn't provide
enough calories for my s.o. nor my daughter. He doesn't mind the blandness nor the repetitiveness, but my daughter does.
So right there, we have conflicts between different expectations of what a meal
should be made up of, different skill levels, different
energy levels, and different tolerances.
If we were lumped in with someone who had higher expectations regarding meals and flavors and variety, that person would hate living with us.
On cleaning: I hate my home. I hate how messy it is. I'm not a spotless kind of person (I want to be in a place that feels lived in..like a home not a museum), but I do have expectations of what I consider clean enough. My tolerance levels are higher than my neighbor who has a usually spotless home, but lower than the people I live with.
My s.o. is cluttered, and will clean things like counters and stove tops once a week or so, bathrooms once or twice a year. Higher tolerance than me, but lower than my daughter.
My daughter doesn't seem to notice clutter and dirt and filth. It's a miracle when she clears a pathway on the floor from her door to her computer. And I finally made her clean her bathroom last month...it had been at least a year and a half since I'd had my s.o. go in there and clean it up. She doesn't understand that her friends might feel icky when visiting, and that's probably why they stopped visiting.
Now, I've tried coming up with rules and consequences. But I detest having to enforce them. It goes against almost every fiber of my being. Plus, it caused so much strife and ill-will in the household. So I stopped trying to get them to meet my cleaning expectations...and by doing so it improved our relationships.
Since I'm the one with the lowest tolerance for mess, I tend to do more in terms of getting the mess above that tolerance level. It's not how I'd like it, but it's not driving me nuts either. And when I'm unable to stand/walk, and the mess reaches a lower level, then my s.o.'s expectations/tolerance kicks in. He'll clean up to the point where it's not driving him nuts. And my daughter? well, she's not allowed to invite anyone over, nor visit anyone unless she's got her floors picked up, clothes done, and bed made. It's a minimum.
However, sometimes her area of the house drives me so nutso that I take some boxes and just pack a bunch of the stuff up into it. Which drives her nuts cuz then she can't get to what she wants without a lot of searching...however this also encourages her to at least try to keep certain things picked up.
if we were to apply a couple of
permaculture ideas,
my daughter would clean up the things that drove her nuts...
my s.o. would clean a little further, covering the areas that he doesn't like...
and I would cover the rest of it that's driving me crazy.
As my daughter gets used to a certain level of cleanliness in the kitchen, her tolerance level lowers, her expectations of what it should be like increases. Not to my level, but it's still a raised level from before. But she'd still need to get habituated to DOING something. But the motivation that comes from within is a whole lot stronger than someone else's rules and sanctions.
I don't care how many rules and sanctions there are, if someone were to try to force me to be at the level of expectation and tolerance as my neighbor, I'd tell them where they could stick it.