Satamax Antone

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since Sep 24, 2011
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Southern alps, on the French side of the french /italian border 5000ft elevation
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I'm popping by.

Burra and Austin, what is your plan for above the core ?

Cooking plate, i know. But how will it be fitted ?

To explain. The internal chimney of my batch has failed.  And i'm glad i somewhat left access to rebuild. Not easy easy access. But it can be done.

6 months ago
April, the stub riser i thought about was the one on your DSR2.

On the DSR3, may be rigidized superwool held by inconel  inner "springs" There some ten inch scraps on ebay.

You could ask those guys too

I'm a batch guy. Never delved into the DSR types.

1 year ago
Brick bell ? Double layer ?

Thickness of the stud wall? About 8 or 10 inches ? Less ? If not over 10 inches, a gap of two inches should plenty. But not up to code in some areas. Where i live, you would need 18cm all around, if it is considered as a flue.

One idea popped into my head. You could also line the framing edge with U channel beams to cut whatever high heat might radiate from the bell. Mind you, mine, on a batch only goes to 60 celcius outer skin, on the coldest days, when the stove roars like mad.
1 year ago
Just popping around.

A daft idea. Can't the stub riser be made five minute riser style ? May be rigidized superwool made with waterglass. Or something along those lines.
1 year ago

Jeremy VanGelder wrote:Keeping in mind Satamax's request that we keep it simple, how about "Butt Warmer." The heated bench is the butt warmer. A rocket oven would be a "Bun Warmer." This might not change the technical name of an RMH. But it would be the thing to emphasize when marketing the idea.

I said, at the start of the thread.

These are widely known as rocket mass heaters or rocket stoves.

This is a name known by many. And albeit in the public domain. It carries the legacy of Ianto Evans.

Finding a better name, might be a good idea on paper. But would fudge the search results on search engines for a while too.

To me, it's like when the french tried to go base ten for everything. Base ten clocks, hours and minutes, base ten months, ten day weeks etc. It never worked.

Hence the

It could be called the fumivore.

1 year ago

Barbara Manning wrote:I would love to install on of these in my house but I would have to import all y'all to make it for me. Sigh.
2 years ago
Eric, you managed where i failed few years back. My attempts at top load weren't up to my expectations.

And if you want to see my workshop heater, in case it gives you ideas

3 years ago

I would rather do bells, than multi channel stoves. Multi channel stoves are more finicky due to boundary layers. Ok, they have more ISA But the bricks in the channels release their heat in the flue path. That Also means that  there is heat released to the outside, and keeps draft until cold. But when cold, the boundary layer, dampens the ease of starting up.

For a builder


3 years ago