Hello again! Tansy, aster, goldenrod, birdsfoot trefoil, and pearly everlasting. Tansy is an exotic, naturalized throughout the area. It has
medicinal uses and probably was deliberately imported from Europe. There are several asters and goldenrods, all lovely wildflowers. I often include them in bouquets with my cultivated flowers. Bird's-foot trefoil is also an introduced plant, often grown as a fodder crop. Pearly everlasting is one of my childhood favorites. You can dry it and include it in dried arrangements, or you can make a very nice tea. I've included a link that is useful. You'll have fun with it. Watch for fact sheets (not all entries have them) that will fill you in on uses of a plant. You'll want to explore the links too. Whenever I am considering adding something new to my collections, I check out the noxious plants list to make sure I'm not getting in over my head.