Just about everything that people call Cedar in North America is actually some sort of cypress tree. To see what a real cedar looks like, Google Cedar of Lebanon. I believe that to be Cypress, commonly known as Cedar.
Color of bark leads me to think cedar. Bit pics of the needles/leaves would help. Cedar has distinctive smell as it contains aromatic oils which repel most bugs (doesnt work great in huge mounds)
OK thanks guys. I want to make a garage pergola out of it so I had the lumber I need for it all cut from the logs. I want to be able to stain it and I need it rot resistant so I'm hoping it'll be a good choice for that. I saw Yellow Cedar is stronger than Red Cedar so it might work out really well.
Since you are in the eastern US I doubt that it is yellow cedar. Difficult to tell in photograph. If its reddish at all, then it's more likely to be Western red which has been transplanted to many places. All of the woods we've discussed here are good choices for outdoors. Yellow cedar has a very distinctive smell that is much different than most other things that we call Cedar. I'm not sure if it's actually a Cypress.
I'll post some pics of the lumber that I had cut out of it in a couple hours. I don't remember seeing any red coloration though. Is white cedar yellow in color? The guy that had it did say it was rare to be around this area.