Northwest Certified Forestry Invites You to Attend a Seminar & Field Tour
Ecological Forestry: Restoring Habitat Complexity in Managed Forests
When: January 10th, 1:00 - 5:30
Where: Northwest Trek, Eatonville, WA
Seminar Description:
Forests in the Pacific Northwest are extraordinarily resilient and
productive ecosystems. Careful forest management can provide robust
wildlife habitat, sustained yields of many different forest products, and a
wide range of ecosystem services including
carbon sequestration and
water quality.
This afternoon seminar and tour will introduce forest owners to the
principles of ecological forestry as well as strategies for successful
implementation on their own lands. Following an indoor presentation,
participants will join several seasoned practitioners for a tour of various
stands at Northwest Trek that are currently being thinned using a variety of
innovative harvesting and post-harvest restoration strategies.
This seminar and tour will provide useful information for all types of
forest owners and managers including family forests,
land trusts, non-profit
conservation groups, municipalities, and consulting foresters.
Key topics will include:
* The scientific basis for ecological forestry
* Innovative harvesting methods, including:
* Dispersed, grouped, and feature-based variable retention
* Group selection
* Variable density thinning
* Individual tree selection
* Tree marking protocols for harvesting
* Snag and downed woody debris recruitment
* Enhancing and restoring wildlife habitat
* Regeneration strategies
* Enhancing carbon sequestration
* Managing forest disease
* Post-harvest site restoration
For more info. and to register, please see the attached flier or visit: abitat-complexity-in-managed-forests/.