I have some
land that is similar, with one spot that is incredibly windy. It has a nice view, but the area is almost unbuildable because of how windy it is. So our plan for that location is to build an
underground house that will let us have the southern light, and yet protect us from the north wind.
A few other things we do is watch the percentage of alfalfa in the grass mixtures. That type of grass is great for nitrogen fixation, but is prone to winter-kill, and so the winds will blow the snow off the fields and expose the grass to cold temperatures and thus kill it. In protected fields we can get 90% alfalfa stands, but on the more wind-prone fields, we can only plant a 10% alfalfa.
Other issues are moving
water off the land. As snow-melt happens, we must get all that water off the hill safely, so we have a lot of swales to do that. Rock check dams, dry-ponds and the like help to keep erosion at bay.
Some of these issues you will not have in your location, but the point is, we grow crops despite being prone to high winds.