havent done a good seed trade in a while and have harvested some stuff this year.
currently grounded a bit and have a few trades worth of Walking Onions ("seed"/ bulbit / bulbil or whatever it's called!) to trade...
also have some freshly harvested Tulsi Basil, mizuna, Red Russian Kale, and a few other fresh seeds.
Saved some seeds from 'Mara Des Bois' Strawberry and i definitely recommend it...although growing strawberry from seed is a matter of patience and maybe some genetic drift in seed... or?
I have some Sugar Maple seeds from this year, and also Rugosa
rose, stella d'oro Daylilies and quite a few others from 2018.
i also have some Wild Black Cherry seeds, although they are from 2017, so unsure if they are getting too old.
send me a purple moosage/ a message - and i can point you to a longer list of have/wants.
basically looking for -
trees, fruit tree seeds
Nut trees, nut tree seeds
Fig trees, Fig cuttings
Grapes, seeds or plants
any good tasting edible berry - blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, etc
perennial edibles
i am also interested in Lilacs, Jasmine, passionflowers (other than maypop), kiwis, elderberry, Clematis, and other types of Tulsi or any perennial basil....
additionally i have been layering a few of the pretties /ornamentals...and have a few plants to trade. for a larger trade, if someone has plants to trade/lot of bulky and awesome tree seeds...or whatever else.
plants i have to trade -
Lace Cap Hydrangea 'Victorian Lace'
Lace Cap Hydrangea RED flowered - 'Lady in red'
Montauk Daisy, well developed rooted cuttings
variegated HOSTA - yellow and green
Tawny Daylily the wild orange type, edible, stupid level of easy, prolific/spreads
and a few other things...