With current concern over the covid-19 coronavirus, please know that the GreenSong team is moving forward, but monitoring the situation.
a. Know that the safety of all participants is our primary concern.
b. The full impact of the virus may have largely subsided by the time of our event.
c. As a relatively small outdoor venue, we are well-positioned to provide the entertainment, workshops, and vending opportunities that other, much larger events, cannot.
From the website FAQ page: "Can I get a refund if necessary?
Yes. You can apply for a refund 30 days prior to the festival date, after that, we are unable to refund. This includes refunds due to severe weather, festival cancellation, or other "acts of god"."
Should the situation change we'll let you know - here, on the facebook page @greensonginfo, and on the website www.greensongfestival.org - in time to request a refund, so please do not hesitate to register.
Stay tuned.