Anyone know where I can buy some seed for the following plants? I've tried horizon, fedco, johnny's, and seeds of change. Thanks!
Black salsify
Basket-of-Gold (alyssum)
dwarf alpine aster (I might have this one covered thanks to a friend on this site)
new England aster
butterfly weed
Chinese artichoke
Crazy daisy
Shasta daisy
elephant garlic
Ot, but.. I grew annual salsify last season and I've never seen anything seed so prolifically. I have perennial back scorzonera seed; does that go as nuts? It's welcome to, I'm just curious.
Leila, I'm not sure what you mean. Can you rephrase? BTW, that tells me that one should be collecting seed for b. salsify. If I have good results, I'll definitely save some. It's biennial. Am I right in thinking that it won't seed until the second year?
Sorry Rick, sometimes I make no sense at all! Does black salsify (aka scorzonera) seed as prolifically as annual salsify?
If the answer's "yes", they'll pop up far away from the parent since they have a nifty parachute system to move them around.
Hmmm. I don't know. I didn't even realize that both annual and perennials existed. I'm just learning about it. I thought it was biennial. LOL. Shows how much I know.