Kari Gunnlaugsson wrote: Dale, did you somehow tie your new lights in to the flasher relay, or did you find a light with it's own flasher to wire in to your truck?? You use the factory lights for running lights and brakes??
I have to figure out how to take my steering wheel apart to get at the turn signal switch which is kaput (and probably expensive too)...i hate how vehicles are designed to hide and disguise all of the fasteners and fittings so taking dashboards and steering columns apart is a big puzzle...wish it was 1960's landrover and bolted together like a meccanno set...
I unplugged the existing flasher from a spot near the fuse pannel and suspended it so that it can be heard clicking. You can see it directly beneath the steering column. It's wrapped in black tape.
Yes, the brakes, headlights, reverse lights and running lights are all original. Only the signals and 4 way flashers are my creation. The original problem may lie in the wiring harness, the signal switch or in some other area within the steering column. By going direct to battery, there was no need to search for the
root of the problem. It's been 5 years without problems.
Soon, I intend to engage in some home surgery. I won't use duct tape.