Blood tests can detect the possible presence of disease in your goats, confirm pregnancy, or test for genetic disorders. This PDF eBook will take you through the process: types of tests, options for testing, costs, what you'll need, where to get supplies, how to prepare, how to do the draw, how to safely dispose of used supplies, how to package your samples, what the results mean, and a list of tests, labs, and resources.
Chapters Why Test Your Goats?
What Tests Are Available?
What Are the Options for Testing?
When Should I Test?
How Much Does It Cost?
What Will I Need?
How To Prepare
How To Draw the Blood
How To Safely Dispose of Used Needles
How To Package Your Samples for Sending to the Laboratory
Where To Send Your Samples for Testing
What Do the Results Mean?
How Often Should I Test?
I love the title... Sound like a really good fictional novel or the title of a good rock album... LOL!!!
(Not sure if that will help you with marketing or not, but the topic is good info to have for anyone with goats... Especially if you want to save money and not deal with the time or $ for a vet to do it).
Good Luck!!!
And then the flying monkeys attacked. My only defense was this tiny ad:
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