My mom had her gall bladder removed many years ago and hasn't been able to digest pork or
chicken very well since then. She 'caught a tummy bug' last October, which caused her to start eliminating foods to try to regain health. She ended up in the hospital for her digestion but is now in a long-term care facility because of her heart (or rather, the heart meds they have her on). She has become so healthy, happy and vibrant since cutting out wheat and sugar! And the big plus--she finally listens to me about holistic health. The down side--they
feed her such utter crap in the nursing home. I want to cook meals and bring them to her as often as possible...but she's still worried about eating saturated fats because she no longer has a gall bladder. How would you work around this? Any article or blog posts on the subject that I can share with her? Thanks so much for any help offered.