I belive lacto fermentation produces conditions inimical to the survival of pathogens by making the foods too acidic.
The salt is there to advantage the lacto acid producing bacteria.
The bacteria are said to be healthy to ingest.
Im growing the flying
dragon hardy orange tree, which has very acidic juice.
I also aim to juice
alot of other fruit and veg.
The natural trajectory of such juice passes through the alcohol stage on its way to being vinegar.
Im wondering if we can preserve food in other acids like citrus juices or vinegars, without the fermentation, refrigeration,
hot water or pressure canning.
Im not against fermentation, but I am for simple.
I want something not unlike preserving fruit in high proof alcohol, but without the alcohol.
Im having trouble finding information on this topic.
Indian pickling seems to use acidic liquids without canning but they also keep some pickles unrefrigerated in oil , a Western food safety nightmare.