This practicum will be primarily hands on, making quick decisions and creatively collaborating to make a multi- functional building that will serve as a washroom, drying room, herb/
mushroom /fruit drying racks as well as a sauna and radiant heated relaxation space orientated towards the setting sun down the valley to the West of the property.
We aim to build roundwood timber framing to support a reciprocal roof that will be clad and turfed as a living roof. The walls will be in filled with strawbale and plastered with natural clay and lime renders. Using bottles and recycled glazing and other locally sourced materials/ waste we will learn how to design and build a low cost yet beautiful and functional building within a very short space of time.
Alongside daily building tasks we shall begin with theory and classroom time focused on appropriate building design in this and other climates, as well as any aspects of
Permaculture design the group feel inclined to look into. We have the opportunity to use the evenings to study other areas of interest related to building, community and
Permaculture, watch films to extend the learning or simply relax together in the community that we build during our time together.
As this is primarily a practicum is good to come prepared to use your initiative and get involved wherever you feel you can contribute. There will be various tasks to carry out simultaneously as well as quick decisions and problem solving needed. Working together we hope to get the bulk of this
project accomplished leaving people with a clear idea of how to approach building similar structures and dwellings in their own setting, which could easily be adapted to creating a home.
Alongside daily building we shall also be studying natural low impact building design and other related topics including but not limited to;
• Eco-friendly house placement and design
Energy efficient architecture
• Energy conservation/ Microclimate considerations
• Natural Plasters/ Paints/ Finishes
• Community Building
• Decision Making
• Leadership Development
• Aspects of
Permaculture Design/ Integrated Systems thinking
Some pics to give a flavor of our work