I am a lot smarter now than I was 5 years ago when I bought 25 pounds of non-organic soy meal as fertilizer.
Now, because, if soy is non-orgnic it is probably GMO, I would not touch the stuff. I thought I was doing the best thing by avoiding cottonseed meal, since cotton is the most sprayed crop of all. I eat all organic at least, and had not been keeping track of the GMO issue.
Today I found the soy meal in a remote corner of a shed I was cleaning out. I never used it.
Is it just useless and full of toxins, such that I
should bring it to the dump?
I hope not, but I will before I will pollute my body.
Isn't it dumb that we have to worry about this? It is so refreshing to read my Mother's old
gardening books published in the late 30's and early 40's. A different world.
Thanks for your information and advice.
Freedom from pollution for All!
Pamela Melcher