I‘m hopefully going to be planting out a large area of new forest garden with Pinto Peanut soon and I wanted some advice as I have no
experience with the plant. I’m currently spreading out large amounts of black plastic to temporarily cover the area to try to kill off or at least reduce the existing grass and weeds. I plan to dig out grass/weeds in small exposed area to plant the Pinto in and hopefully the plastic can gradually be rolled back to expose soil underneath as the Pinto expands.
I’ve found a source for Pinto Peanut runners. Could they be planted straight into the ground or established in pots by the
water sprayer for a while first? If the latter roughly how long would they need there?
Would one roughly every metre be a good amount to aim for? Or one planted at the base of each existing small tree? I can get them cheap and I’d like to get a good coverage quickly.
Anyone know somewhere to buy a some pinto peanut inoculant
online? The seller is unsure if their Pinto is inoculated or not and I’d rather make sure.
There’s an adjoining vegi garden. How can the Pinto be stopped from spreading into there?
More details on the site - the area is sloping (steeply in places) with poor thin, rocky soil (lithosol). South-east Queensland with 1500mm ish of rainfall a year. Ph around 6.5. Half the food forest has been underplanted in the gaps of an existing youngish bush forest, the other half full sun most of the day. It could really do with getting a
perennial ground cover to protect the soil (which is currently bare in places with nothing growing) and start gradually building it.
Thanks in advance for any help!