ok folks i just got a note from a friend about this twitter person saying not to post designs or ideas here on permies because we will steal them and charge folks.
let me be perfectly clear on this ERICA AND I DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR IDEAS OR INVENTIONS AS OUR OWN AND WE DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THEM. Good god folks we provide information for free here and i dont have
energy or time to try and take someone else's ideas. I sure as hell dont call them my own. who ever this person" Republican call" is needs to get the facts straight.
my designs are my designs from my work, I dont collect your work and charge anything because i dont use your work. not only is it unethical but it would violate the point of a public forum that is set up to provide free information (i would also be hounded forever by lots of my friends for plagiarism).
I dont care what
politics you follow but know this; I have made it on my own merits and i will not change that for anything. Its this sort of crap that makes folks no longer provide anything without a fee.
Carry on and be confidant that i am not taking your designs. Damn i hate this sort of crap....
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Ernie and Erica
Wood burning stoves, Rocket Mass Heaters, DIY,
Stove plans, Boat plans, General permiculture information, Arts and crafts, Fire science, Find it at www.ernieanderica.info