Hey all, Im hoping you might be inclined to help a Permies freshmen out with some life altering good. I am in desperate need of a major change involving my means of income. For the past few years of blind consumer bliss I gained job skills, like most my age, in retail. However, with my desire to move on to an altruistic conservationist lifestyle this is now a very vexing career. Despite my intense scouring of the classifieds and craigslist my efforts bare no fruit, sadly very few blooms even. Then it struck me! If I am attempting an escape from conventional positions I need to search in an unconventional manner. In this case actually reaching out to the Community I desire to become a part of, you guys. Now don't you feel special? Cause you
should. But I digress... So, my latest road block to expanding my horizons is my newness to this grand Community. I have yet to discover all the neat people and hangouts of the "cool crowd". In short, could I receive some assistance from the Missoula Permies in tracking down potential jobs or openings at an environmentally conscious and community involved business/operation? Any work that gets me possibly outdoors, moving, and working with my hands is desirable. I have interests in all things
gardening, conservation, and husbandry. Can anyone offer a direction to begin my search here in town? The daunting task of going place to place to distribute my resume never stopped me before, but I need help finding the type of businesses/operations in Missoula that fit the bill. I'm fishing for anything and appreciate any time you take to reply to this star crossed hobbit.