I am a newbie to
Permaculture but have had an allotment in London for the last couple of years.
This year I have decided to start experimenting with my plot, starting with a Hugelkulture bed and also with making raised beds out of semi buried untreated
wood (mainly birch and oak) to hopefully encourage stag beetles.
Obviously quite a lot of wood needed which is not so available in London.
Anyway, I found a big log pile on some managed woodland near by which they allow you to buy (for fires one would assume). The wood comes from the
local woods but also is dumped by local tree surgeons. Only after loading up my car did I it cross my mind that some of the logs there would naturally have come from diseased
trees ( as the tree surgeons probably are asked to cut down diseased trees from the local houses).
One would hope both woodland managers and tree surgeons would destroy anything particularly contagious but I would be very gratefull if someone could tell me if there is anything I
should be particularly aware of before introducing the wood to our beautiful collection of allotments and burying most of them in the ground.
I have not picked out any wood that looks particularly damaged beyond occasional mold or damp spots.
Am I bein over cautious???
Thank you in advance and thanks for a great forum on which I have been 'lurking' for awhile picking up tips