Please post pictures that highlight the aesthetics of polyculturegardening or farming! I am in need of inspiration.
Action Helps...One Soul with Courage is a Majority. Success is a Journey, not a Destination See the Reaching! A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in Every Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty! -Whispers of Eden
Here are a couple of young polycultures that look quite pretty in our garden, even though they're still in their awkward adolescent phase. Full-time Permie for 2 decades, author of some groovy books, maker of 🔥 Permie vids, TikToks, etc. Author of Growing FREE. Actually three plants in a trench coat.
Cortland Satsuma
Posts: 319
Location: (Zone 7-8/Elv. 350) Powhatan, VA (Sloped Forests & Meadow)
Thank you for your input! The link is not really what I was looking for. I am hoping to see pictures from private or public gardens that highlight the aesthetics; much as a botanical garden would. I am not looking for pictures of how to do a polyculture garden; as there are many threads already on that. None of my gardens are at the level I aspire to; or, I would have posted pictures. All of mine are either just starting or the lower levels and borders not filled in. I am attaching one of where ours are at (not filled in)...And, hoping others will have filled in pictures. I am looking for inspiration from other established, planned out polyculture gardens.
Action Helps...One Soul with Courage is a Majority. Success is a Journey, not a Destination See the Reaching! A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in Every Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty! -Whispers of Eden