Although I am new to permies, I'd like to offer an alternative point of view. I was going to post this in the
Anyone here making money from permaculture thread, but didn't want to hijack the thread. So here goes...
Fiat currency (money not backed by gold or silver) is inherently subjective to the whims of governments and markets. In the US, the government started creating massive amounts of money out of thin air in 2008, calling it quantitative easing or QE. Long story short, we are now in QE3, with each QE succession printing more and more money, which is now in the neighborhood of $85 billion per month. Any ECON 101
class will teach you the law of supply and demand. The more dollars you print, the less each one is worth. We have printed (i.e. made up to pay our debts) much more than we can ever repay. The governments ALWAYS use creative accounting to make it seem not as bad as it really is. The actual debt of the US is staggering ($233,900,000,000,000 in derivatives alone...yup that's TRILLIONS). We would have already defaulted except that the US is allowed to print money, and every other country is not is because the dollar is the world's reserve currency. That is about to change. Soon. If the dollar loses global reserve currency status, the entire country will suffer HUGE losses in relation to what a dollar's purchasing power will be. 2008 will look like a walk in the park.
Getting to the point... every fiat currency in the history of the world has failed. When (not if) the dollar fails (
some say as soon as July 1, 2014), what will be the role of
permaculture? The human common denominator economy is calorie based which could also be called survival based. If we look at
permaculture in a calorie based economy, IMHO it is the richest way to BE. Look at your
permaculture as how many calories do you put in, vs. how many calories do get back? Stacking functions is even more important in a calorie based economy.
So here's the question: What role do you see
permaculture playing in a calorie based economy? How do we prepare for that transition, and how is that preparation any different than living in a monetary based economy?
Like a good Eagle Scout, always trying to "Be Prepared"