We're a group of farmhands and craftspeople (and above all, friends!) who have come together to create a new kind of organic farming community in central New York State. We have all been involved for years in the organic farming movement, contributing as volunteers (most of us began our careers through the
wwoof network), hired hands, farm managers and master builders. After years of gaining
experience on organic farming projects around the world, we’re pooling our resources into a
project of our own: an organic farm that’s cooperatively owned by a residential community of workers.
This is our organization's first year of existence (yaaay!!), and we have a lot to do to get our community farm up and running. We're offering positions on our farm for volunteers, an ongoing apprenticeship program, and occasional hands-on workshops so that we can get things done and share what we're learning with others along the way. We're also always open to new members, though we ask prospective members to come live and work with us in the role of volunteer or apprentice for at least 4 months before officially asking to join. (everything is decided by consensus between members!)
If any of this sounds interesting to you, you can learn more by visiting our website!
And for wwoofers, here is our wwoof profile:
Any questions or comments, post away!!
- Ben