Let's get some more information, so that we can collectively help you better.
1. Where exactly are you? Joplin, West Plains, and Sikeston all count as "Southern Missouri", but they're pretty far apart.
2. Ever gardened before? What's the biggest garden you've ever tended?
3. Are you hoping to
farm or
market garden? "Farming" generally means corn, wheat, soybeans. You sell to the grain elevator. You don't raise much of anything that you can eat yourself. When you mention 70 acres, it sounds like you're talking about farming. "Market gardening" generally means a variety of vegetables- tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, etc- and selling either through a CSA, at farmers' markets, to restaurants, or all three. When you mention food for your family, it sounds like you're talking about market
gardening. 70 acres would be a much, much, much larger market garden than usual.
4. How much money are you hoping to net per year? How many hours do you plan to put in during the first year?