There are some mason bees boring into the logs in some log cabins around here and I would like to extract them out. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could move them from here to a new home such as bamboo?
Don't know of any Mason Bees that bore. I know they use existing holes though.
It is my understanding that once they choose a place they are pretty set on it. You may have luck attracting them to a nesting site (the bamboo for example) if it is placed in the area. Once you see them using the bamboo you could calk all of the holes they would use otherwise.
Sorry. I meant carpentor bees. I thought that they were the same thing. I believe it would be the same kind of process, if even possible, I made one of these
and put lemongrass oil on it to attract them then put it close to the cabin, but it has not worked.