I am in the midst of Geoff's
online PDC. Once completed, I want to launch a new website.
I paid out of my ears for a
local design group to "digitize" the J&J Logo we use (see the little logo in my picture, the website below or any of the intros to our videos).
I'd much rather not go to them and feel "taken" again. While it would be great if someone wanted to digitize the logo for us, I am respectful and understand that money will likely change hands.
Let me know if you are interested and if there are several people interested perhaps we can come up with some way to select 1 for use in the end.
The design is simple, but needs to be drawn in a program so that it is a vector image that can be scaled for use on our website, documentation, swag, etc.
Details on the image will be given to the artists. Doing my best not to release it publicly until the website is "revealed".