I need something that I can buy bulk seed for
I am about to throw down a lot of seed in patches around the
yard to create a "wild flower meadow" intermingled with newly planted fruit trees/bushes. My goal is to get the soil life thriving, increase fertility, increase tilth and
water absorption rate, get the good bug population popping, maybe get some
bees going in a hive, grow just a little food in there, let some
chickens run through every now and again, .... and not have to mow the lawn there but once in the dead of every winter.
I have made a mix of clover species(nitrogen), lupines(nitrogen), purple cone flower, yarrow, marigold, daikon radish(clay buster), cherry radish(clay buster), black-eyed susan, cilantro, garlic chives, chives, and bachelor button/corn flower along with a few known good forage
perennial rye grass that have high sugar content for the gazillion
rabbits that live out there. The sugar will help them absorb proteins from the clover and such. I already happily have a lot of dandelions and such.
Anyways, to the point.... I know that in the UK they use
Yellow Rattle flower as a magic bullet for their wild flower meadows. It is literally a grass parasite that latches onto grass
roots and zaps the
energy out of the energy hogs. Suppressing the grass and giving the flowers a better chance to thrive. Is there anything like it that I can buy here in Virginia, USA??? I have a nearly flat yard with hardpan clay and get about 45inches of rain here a year. Almost anything will grow here in zone 7B. I just can't find the yellow rattle since I am sure it would thrive/"invade" here.