for the past ten years I have only used fixed knot 6 inch mesh woven wire (as opposed to slip knot ) The goats head will spread slip knot but fixed knot won
't move. They cost about the same . It also comes in 330 ft and 500 ft rolls- larger rolls are cheaper per ft.I've never seen fixed knot at TSC stores and some of the Coops don't mention it. You have to ask for fixed knot.
Also on my
water tanks for livestock I put reflectix insulation on top (be sure to get alum on both sides with bubble pack in the middle) available at home depot and lowes-- it floats and keeps water cooler in summer and helps with freezing in winter. Plus its a great pad for the bullfrogs to set on. I also drop 3 or 4 inch pieces of about 12 inch pvc in tank for the crawdads and frogs to go in to hide for raccoons and occasional turtle that gets in.
I add 3
concrete blocks inside tank and outside tank for a step. This will save a lot of baby goats from drowning.-Guess how I found out.
Now is a great time of yr to put cuttings of elderberry in the ground. Just cut a piece off with several buds on it. Scrap the bark in a couple places and push in the ground. I usually do this after a rain when the ground is like butter.
i plant jersalem artichokes in the drip lines on my outbuildings. Then I don't have to water