Hi Joe,
Pictures are worth a thousand words...I keep saying it, and still get surprised.
Your system (please correct me if I am wrong) was aimed at having a
RMH that heats up quick...
I assume your inner flue withing the barrel is that nice geometric cut fire brick?
How quick does this heat that space?
I think, now seeing it, and assuming you want a "low mass" fast heating system, that your choice for using a high heat resistant caulk might well be better...I am just worried it won't last. I have looked into some of the types we use for masonry heaters and soapstone stoves...it may serve you better if I can get my hands on the name of it...that is if its not proprietary...
After this is up for a while, give us a report of results and what you want to change...
Thanks again for sharing the adventure!