Ken May : Welcome to, our sister site,, and a Big Welcome To the Rocket,
Wood stove, and
Cob Forums! With 28,000 + Fellow Members
Worldwide you
should be able to come here 24 / 7 and find a kindred spirit who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
Ernie and Erica are our Forum Leaders for the Rocket And
wood stoves forums and we all like to say good things about these good people !
You can goto Click on Rocket Mass
Heaters and watch that hole series of videos, each on is a pretty good primer for the next one. The one for taking
the paint off of your barrel and treating your First10' of pipe to lock the Galvanizing to the stove pipe will
answer your question !
Always use the best insulation and as much of it as you can afford. while Rocket Mass Heaters Made 20 + years ago had less insulation, with todays designs we see
as much as a 50% improvement in operating temperatures, and even more efficiencies and cleaner burns with even less wood !
I do like your Experimental Heat Riser ! We do run into an immediate problem with trying to build prototypes to a smaller scale ,While a 8'' system has a Cross-
Sectional Area of 49 sq in, it has a perimeter of 25 '', a 6'' system has a Cross-sectional Area of 27sq. in., its perimeter is 19'', your 4'' heat Riser made into a 4''
system has a Cross-Sectional Area of 12.5 sq. in and a perimeter of 12.5''.
When we go down in size by 1/2 we reduce the area by 1/4, when we are measuring the flow through these pipe sizes, the larger % of Interior surface area
(perimeter)to the Cross-Sectional area -means that with the smaller pipe we are seeing much higher % of flow losses due to the laminar effect and friction losses.
Generally, we recommend that for a first time build that a 6'' system is as small as anyone should go and is a good size to 'Learn on' !
A 4'' design is considered an advanced build, and gives you a very tiny Thermal Mass Bench for the amount of work you put into it, especially when compared to a 6''
system !
Think like fire! Flow like gas! Don't be a Marshmallow! As Always, your questions and comments are solicited and Welcome ! Big AL