Hi all,
land, el Herrén del Cerrado, is in the mountains near Madrid (Spain). We have a tiny valley formed by the meeting of two tiny, soft hills. The valley collects
water for nearby lands which means that when it rains, it's got water running through the center (we have Ranunculus sp.) but on the sides of the hills the soil is dry and has a lot of erosion. For pictures, go to:
I want to do some kind of intervention to spread that water to the hills but I have no money to do keyline.
So, I've decided to so something line the stone lines they do in Burkina Faso but with tree trunks we have on site. Instead of placing the trunks on level, I want to place them so the cut the level line. I think some people here have done this with swales.
My doubt is about the % deviation form the level. When you build a deck, here in Spain, they recommend 2 % inclination so water runs off the deck. I've taken this value as reference.
However, I do not know if with 2% inclination water would travel too fast to infiltrate the soil.
Should I use 1%?
What do you guys think?