I was contacted by someone who said they had
bees living in a wall of the house. The owner said she wanted them out of there because they were getting in the house and stinging her. I went over there and found
bees on one side but on the other side there were yellow jackets. Turns out they are what was getting in the house. So I convinced the owner to allow the bees to remain there until spring. I want to use this time to thoroughly prepare to get the bees out. I was told that the bees have been there for years. Since these are healthy
local bees I want to make sure that I do this right.
The setup:
The house is a basement house and the basement walls stick up about 3 feet above grade. The second level sets on top of the basement wall, but it is about 2 feet wider than the basement, so the floor of the upper level sticks out over the basement about like the soffit of a roof. The bees are coming and going between the basement wall and the soffit/floor.
I think my best option right now is to do a trap out. I have been watching videos of the procedure on youtube and it seems like there is about an 80% failure rate. There are lots of ideas but many of them are terrible, like they guy who tried to make the hive walk through a six foot vacuum hose to get out of the hive… yeah that ended awesome. So what is the best way to do this? It seems like having the screen cone in a hive box would be pretty ideal but I have only seen one of those work correctly. If anyone has any tips or examples I would love to see them. A lot of what I have seen were people trying to get bees out of
trees and they had issues with the bees getting around the cone. I think I can seal this area off pretty easily since I am mostly dealing with flat surfaces. I am going to try to use a warre hive that I built last year.