If you have lived and worked in a mediocre job paying bills or have taken out loans or relied on credit
cards to get you through the tough times and mounted your share of debts and have come to realize the American system works largely for the few and not the many, and you crave something more than working for somebody else, here is the opportunity for you to do something about your situation and do something meaningful and spiritually enriching.
We are seeking one or at most, two people to come live and work on our 11-acre biodynamic farm and take part in our quest for being off grid. To sum up the kind of farming
project underway here, let's say that everything produced on the farm goes to sustaining ourselves and the farm animals. There will be little inputs from off the farm, such as buying
hay, machines, seeds, dirt, straw, fuels, etc.
You must have a desire to work with animals and have patience. Our farm consists of a milking cow, steer for meat, milking Nigerian Dwarf Goats, a mini horse that rides and drives, and a young pony that will need training. We utilize the
raw milk by making cheeses and butter. You must be willing to alternate milking these animals.
Chickens, ducks, geese deliver eggs and meat and do their share of stirring
compost and pest control.. Poultry butchering is done on farm.
The ideal candidate will be a omniivore and must be willing to work long and hard hours and be able to lift 75 pounds.
Should have a passion for farming and for the simple life.
intentional community will aspire to live like the Amish minus the religion and doctrinaire ways. Acquiring a horse/buggy and driving it to
local farm markets is one of the goals. This means at some point giving up your car (if you have one. Still interested?)
You must have a reliable vehicle and some start up money for building simple living accommodations for yourself and have funds to kick in for electric (until we can get off it) and a portion of property taxes (about $1200) and be able to demonstrate you have the funds to pay your own share in that regard.
We will all work farm markets and do on farm sales that will go towards paying bills as well. Depending on how we do, there may be no out of pocket expenses. Currently we are licensed to
sell baked goods, live cultured fermented foods, poultry, eggs and produce.
This is not a rental property or farm getaway (think
WWoof) We desire a long term commitment from the right persons. Period.
Our farm will be turned over to a conservancy and members of our intentional community will have a place to stay beyond the lives of the owners.
If you are vegan, we don't think this is the kind of community for you. If you have cat, dog or feathered animal allergies, we don't think this is the community for you. If you believe in Chem-trails, hold conspiracy theories, or believe in having guns to protect yourself from an invasion by government, Illuminati, or embrace technology, we don't think this is the kind of community for you. Interested in intelligent, compassionate, open-minded, dreamers who can also be realistic and decent.
Philosophers, naturalists, environmentalists, readers, poets and writers are highly encouraged to apply.
Any questions, please ask. Let's have a discussion.