When I save or buy too many seeds (which is always) I like to donate them. That may seem hard to do, but I found a trick. A seed box or basket and I put the rhyme and qualifier (below) on the box. I place it in the office, where people put extra garden products or home-made cookies. But, this can be in any quasi-public place. So far one box is now self-perpetuating by someone else who has fallen in love with the idea and another is starting per request. It's nothing formal, so seed quality is hit-and-miss, but it also spurs interest in
gardening. We have a garden at work for donating to the
local food bank. Some of the seeds will probably go to that this year.
Please, take what you want. Exchange if you have.
Return if you save.
Seeds go bad, plants make more.
Do not hold back. Seeds are built for sharing.
(To avoid patent infringement, please only heirloom and open pollinated saves.)