My family and I purchased some
land two summers ago in the Northern Colorado mountains. 70acres in total, but it is really two neighboring plots of 35ea.
Thus far we have focused on bringing some infrastructure up there and taking basic observations (a couple large
greenhouse, small shed, ammending soil). The opportunities are endless here as it also borders national forest on two sides, has a 'spring' running through it, a creek within 5 minutes walking, and 5 lakes within 20 minutes walking. Not too mention quite a bit of beetle kill
wood, great sun exposure, gently sloping grassland, and fairly decent soil depth/fertility considering its the rockies.
What/how etc. are all still in the works as to how it will all look in the long run. (aka a grand plan has not been formulated). What we have agreed upon thus far is that we are very interested in having a relatively
intentional community living there and developing it into a permaculture/re-wilding education center.
I have an Advanced
PDC (hehe, titles are funny) Soil Food Web Certificate (along with many other courses and self-teachings) and have been active in the
permie world for a handful of years now. I am also an avid observer of relationships (with eachother, with plants, with Earth, with our selves etc.) I love the Earth and I wish to see humanity snap out of its funk, and I feel a key for that is to look at the dynamics of those relations.
A helpful key in discovering these elements of 'human' nature is to have a good community space surrounding.
So, back to the land. We have worked very hard to be able to meet the financial responsibility that we have accepted, but have found that the load is very high and more stream-lined efforts to develop the educational center have had to be put on the back burner. We have considered selling the front 35 as is, or even dividing various sections of the land for smaller investments of 'ownership.' But the preferred goal is to have community members (permaculturists, naturalists, woodsy folk) that will be working together on various projects so that the lines of ownership do not run black or white.
I have also developed a network in this part of the state of other Earth minded folks who also have or are acquiring space. These people will be able to coordinate, arrive and help with big projects ex home-building, big planting day. Not too mention, give you potential access to their space for other projects.
Also, there are a few in the nearby community who already have established sites with goats
milk, eggs etc that would love to increase the food exchange network.
Potential rotational grazing, A large food forest already in the works,
Mushroom cultivation, Natural Home-building, Wild-crafting, Fermentation Kitchen, and many other ideas are all plans for the land.
The site itself is an hour away from any real civilization, 20 minutes away from a very small town, nestled in the national forest. It is mostly south facing grassland (85%) but there is a good stand of
trees with plenty of usable lumber. The surrounding forest is pretty much all trees (Ponderosa, Aspen, Doug Fir) and rock outcroppings. And you would get my brother and me as your neighbor. Hard working 20 year olds.
Keep in mind this is in the Rockies, so plenty of wind, sun, temperature fluctuations, and critters of the wild sort are frequent design problutions. Yet, the air is clean, mountains call to be played on, and there is top-of-the-water-shed
water nearby, one don't get that too often in CO. Let me know if you want more information.
Please include any specific questions as well as who you are, what you may be interested in. A price has not been fixed as potential for us to talk about getting a well (already have a permit for it) and/or building a home is a possibility. Also, we are interested in how much space/money/other needs you are working with.
Take Care